Friday, June 25, 2010

iPhone 4 Release Day!

I waited all morning. I even saw one Fed Ex van pull into the apartment complex and so I chased him down. He had no iPhone. Then at 12:40 I received word from Nick that the goods had been delivered. I raced to his house.
The unboxing ceremonies began!

Goosebumps and smiles abounded.

I started the syncing process!

And.... 5 hours later it finished! (Picture shown twice to give you a feeling of how long those 5 hours were).

First impressions:
1. Fast! Fast! Fast!
2. Beautiful.
3. The screen is amazing.
4. Multitasking. Welcome to my life Pandora radio!

I am very happy with my new daily companion.
Now the question is: Does my iPhone need protection?

1 comment:

Diane said...

I guess I didn't get quite as excited as you did about receiving my iphone since it sat on your desk for about 4 days before I found out what it was and opened it. Then it still took me another day to get it open and operational. Lame, I know, but now I am truly loving it and excited to learn more ways to use it!
P.S. Thanks so much for your tutorials. You're a very patient teacher, thank goodness!