Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This Post is for my special mom on her special day!
10 Things I know about my mom:
1. She is a true Utah fan, even if she doesn't get as intense as us boys and Ace during the BYU vs. Utah games.
2. She rocks at sewing. She made me some wicked cool fleece pants back in junior high. She also made me some fish shorts that I used to sport. Whatever rips or comes undone on my clothes, she can fix.
3. She is an amazing cook! She whips up the old-school recipes to perfection and turns new things into masterpieces. She cooks everything from tin foil dinners to Sunday dinner to Shrimp Bisque.
4. She has an amazing talent to make a photo album become a rockin scrap book
5. She has a better gospel study each morning then a majority of the missionaries out serving.
6. When I worked at Upper Case Living she would get up at 5:15 in order to make me a lunch.
7. I’m not the most tidy person in the world but have grown to really appreciate it because Modge always keeps the house so spiffy!
8. Her favorite things in the world are named Liberty, Addiley, Noah, Benjamin, and Ezra!
9. She is using the computer more now then any other time in her life and getting more skilled each day.
10. She is turning 51 but looks like she should be turning 41.
I love you Mom, Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Thank you dear son for the lovely birthday message. You bring much joy to my life and I appreciate you more than you know. Thanks for making me feel special!