Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lie to Me

I'm hooked. I blame Spence and Kathy. Weird. I never thought I'd be blaming those two for getting me addicted to a TV show. But, unlike the animosity one may feel toward someone who introduced them to a new addiction, like smoking or drinking, I feel deep love and gratitude to Spence and Kath for the exposure and subsequent obsession. In case you aren't familiar, Lie to Me is a TV show that airs on Fox and is in its 2nd season. I got completely caught up on Season 2 during my visit to Minneapolis. When it is 5 degrees outside but really feels like -8, what else are you going to do? Sure, I could have watched Hook with the kids every night(amazing how they can watch the same thing over and over again and not get bored) but this seemed to be a little more in my league. The show is about The Lightman Group, a company hired by the FBI and other organizations, to help determine if people are lying. They study microexpresions, body language, voice pitch, etc., to determine if someone is lying. Paul Roth is the main actor and I think he is awesome. I bought Season 1 on blu-ray, which I'm currently watching. Once I'm down with it, I will be happy to let you borrow it! In the mean time, start watching Season 2. It's like eating dessert first; nothing wrong with that. Who knows, maybe you will become addicted to... In a good way!
P.S. Paul Eckman, the world's foremost expert on facial expressions, is the brain behind the show. Check out his blog and website.


Spence and Kath said...

You're welcome.

argentino15 said...

dude, such a great show. turns out after much dedication to that show I have become a much better liar. thank you again for refering me.

Robs said...

bring season 1 when you come. We always like a good show!

jared said...

Bring the blurays with you.

Spence and Kath said...

So happy to share our obsession. It gets better and better. Thanks for a fun visit, and thanks for getting addicted. However, an eye for an eye...we can't get enough of House. Thanks for sharing your addiction with us. Love it!
love ya, Kath