Monday, October 27, 2008

El Tren

El Tren
My shoes kick the textured yellow strip
A hair closer and a modern day scalping
Distasteful at best but a social reality
Rather then wait, a push ahead gets the go
Why go up when legs scream sit here
Nose bleeds and thinner air, naturally
But a vista that takes such a precedence
Not going to unplug myself from acting
Simply a technological revolution starting
So a bizarre concoction of words spilt
Finally become a motivation to do likewise
No hurling, this ride is smooth as silk
A caterpillar’s invention, man’s discovery
At least you listened in a foreign language
To a rhythm that went without saying
A new progression that needs no introduction

1 comment:

Meg & Chase said...

Ha you silly silly boy. Your writing far exceeds that of mine! This is excellent! And i am so glad that you finally posted again! It's like Christmas except for Halloween! So thank you for gracing me with your talent in writing.

P.S. Vista is hardly a blog topic. =]