Monday, May 21, 2012

Dead: Lexus HS 250h

Here's the bottom line: No one wants to pay $37,000 for a luxury Toyota Corolla.  It is honestly amazing that Lexus released this vehicle in the first place. It is even more amazing that they tried to sell it for $37,000.  Why would Lexus sticker the HS at $8,000 more than the similarly packaged hatchback-hybrid CT?  When getting his Lexus serviced, my dad received the HS as a loaner a few times and it was far from impressive.  It is no surprise that Lexus only sold 2,864 units in all of 2011.  Consumers are demanding more fuel efficient vehicles, primarily to save cost.  When the vehicle is priced at such a ridiculous price, consumers are smart enough to see that there are no savings with such a hybrid vehicle.  See Autoblog's post on THIS.

1 comment:

Tiana said...

Dearest Juice,
These cars and iPads and everything are wonderful... However, I am DYING for a post about you and your wiffy! The new journey together. I submit that your next post be solely on your new little family and the life that goes with that. :)Just a thought.