Friday, May 20, 2011


It all happened so quickly, like a cloud burst out of the sky
The connection, the intrigue, the rush, the love, the move
Through miles, connections, videos, texts, letters, and calls
Plans, progress, a visit, a failure, a success, a visit, a success, a failure
Lost hope, quitting, giving up, throwing in the towel, not caring
More progression, committed, connected, converted, completed
Reaching out to you, trying, texting, calling, connecting, waiting
Hurting, wondering, lacking, slacking, struggling, and quitting
Reached out only to be rejected, attacked, offended, disconnected
Shut off, deleted, removed, separated, distanced, shunned, done
Then an update, a tweet, dozens, confirmed, pained, saddened
Shaken, stirred, ruined, distraught, wishing, hoping, wanting, wondering

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